Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Midland, Michigan, April 24, 1975
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PANEL OF JUDGES                                                           DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges       Merle A.. Clayton, Battle Creek, Michigan        Pioneer
Harmony Accuracy         John Aldridge, Normal, Illinois                  Illinois
                         Jim Miller, Louisville, Ky.                      Cardinal
Balance and Blend        A. M. Learned, Geneva, N.Y.                      Seneca Land
                         M. J. Margison, Londan, Ontario                  Ontario
Interpretation           Ken Warner, Newark, Ohio                         J. Appleseed
                         Gareth Evens, Ontario, Canada                    Ontatrio
Stage Presence           Joe Cutsinger, Louisville, Ky.                   Cardinal
                         Robert Mulligan, Highland Park, Mi.              Pioneer
Arrangement              Thomas A. Gentil, Cincinnati, Ohio               J. Appleseed
                         Robert Margison, London, Ontario                 Ontario
Secretary                R. H. Severance, Carmel, Indiana                 Cardinal
Asst. Secty.             John Gillespie, Kalanazoo, Michigan              Pioneer
Timers                   Glenn VanTassell                                 Pioneer
                         Lamott Bates (Quartet)                           Pioneer

                             INTERNATIONAL CHORUS CONTEST
Category:                  HA       B&B       INT    SP   ARR                   SECONDS
Sonl~ Nunbero            1   2    1   2    1   2         1   2           TOTAL   1    2
Rank - Chorus
 1. Detroit             150 146  149 1--  152 163  2--   7   2            1202  169  165
 2. Grosse Pointe       137 137  147 148  131 129  295   0   2            1126  162  103
 3. Battle Creek        131 123  126 126  117 113  237   7   5             985  123  156
 4. Grand Rapids        119 123  116 117  103 108  210   7   8             911  143  116
 5. Niles - Buch.       110  96   91  93  100  97  167   8   4             766  137  150
 6. Port Huron          117 107  108 104   91  92  142   1  -2             760  129  154
 7. Benton Harbor       102  98   95  94  105 103  137   1   0             736  152  158
 8. Pontiac             104  97   98 100   85  90  166  -1  -4             729  130  143
 9. Windsor              94  87   92  89   88  92  189  -5  -3             723  156  172
10. Gratiot County       89  87  102 105   82  82  143   1   5             696  175  138
11. Kalamazoo            91  83   80  75   92  98  154  -2  -9             662  181  160 *
12. Cadillac             88  80   89  88   88  94  136  -1  -0             662  115  128
13. Alp. Th. Bay        102  92   96  96   94  88  143   0   0             631  131  101 **
* Tie broken by HA score.
** Time penalty 8 seconds @ 10 points: per second.
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