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Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Traverse City, Michigan, April 27, 1974
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S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Traverse City, Michigan -- April 27, 1974

The Panel of judges                                                                         District
Chairman of Judges...............Merle Clayton, Battle Creek, Michigan.......................Pioneer
Harmony Accuracy.................Thomas Goodall, Charleston, Illinois.......................Illinois
.................................Dr. Robert Craner, Syracuse, New York...................Seneca Land
Balance and Blend................Dr. Henry Vomacka, Sarasota, Florida.......................Sunshine
.................................Jim Beutel, Park Ridge, Illinois...........................Illinois
Interpretation...................Gareth P. Evans, Toronto, Ontario, Canada...................Ontario
.................................George F. Gross, Laureldale, Pennsylvania..............Mid-Atlantic
Stage Presence...................Loren Bogart, Bloomington, Illinois........................Illinois
.................................Roger K. Steffens, Salisbury, Maryland.................Mid-Atlantic
Arrangement......................Tom Gentil, Cincinnati, Ohio ......................Johnny Appleseed
.................................Louis P. Perry, Needham, Massachusetts.................Northeastern
Secretary........................Charles Nasser, Michigan City, Indiana.....................Cardinal
Assistant Secretary..............Larry King, Detroit, Michigan...............................Pioneer
Checker-Observer.................John Gillespie, Kalamazoo, Michigan.........................Pioneer
Timers...........................Gene Gillem, Frankenmuth, Michigan..........................Pioneer
.................................Stu Benedict, Kalamazoo, Michigan...........................Pioneer

Category:                    HA         B&B      Int.      SP   Arr.    Total   Seconds
Song Numbers:              1    2     1    2    1    2          1   2      1     1    2
Rank -- Chorus
 1.  Oakland County  .... 132  127   140  145  147  148   311   0   1    1151   155  119
 2.  Traverse City ...... 125  125   121  118  131  141   257   1   1    1020   128  122
 3.  Battle Creek ....... 102  105    87   89  115  120   183   1   5     807   123  161
 4.  Grand Rapids ....... 114  108    87   95  110  114   160   4   4     796   152  115
 5.  Niles-Buchanan .....  99   95   103  103  110  104   164  -4  -4     768   105  148

 6.  Saginaw-Bay......... 103   97    99  102   99  100   144   4   1     749   127  147
 7.  Cadillac ...........  90   87    96   96   98   97   158  -1  -1     720   116  144
 8.  Windsor ............  89   85    87   92   97   97   161   0  -1     707   135  l38
 9.  Grosse Pointe ...... 125  109   122  108  110   99     0   2  -2     673   123  176 m
10. Port Huron ..........  82   73    96   94   77   82   152   1  -8     649   104  151

11. Gratiot County ......  89   84    70   67   79   82   143   1   1     516   113  117 aa
    Flint ...............  83   77    76   70   86   86   145  -1  -4     489    99  128a d
    Holly-Fenton ......... 70   70    70   65   86   89   121  -1  -4     569    95  161 d
    Saulte Ste. Marie .... 75   71    85   77   85   81   143  -8  -4     605   145  135 d

Oakland County Chorus is the 1974 Pioneer District Chorus Champion.
Traverse City Chorus is the 1974 Silver Division Chorus Champion.
          (m)   Stage Presence Penalty, Article 15 (3) d.
          (a)   Time Penalty: 130 Points (13 seconds @ 10 Points per second)
         (aa)   Time Penalty: 100 Points (10 seconds @ 10 Points per second)
          (d)   Ineligible, Article 5 d.
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