Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Lansing, Michigan, April 28, 1973
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                         PIONEER DISTRICT, S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A.
                                Official Scoring Summary

                                DISTRICT CHORUS CONTEST
                            Lansing, Michigan     April 28, 1973

                 Song No.  1   2     1   2    1   2         1   2    Net     1   2
                          Harmony   Balance  Interp' Stage   Arra'  Total    Time,
Rank        Chorus        Accu'cy   & Blend   tation Pres.    ment  Score    Seconds
I Lansing, Michigan        133 130  128 127  139 139  234    1  5   1083    145 122
2 Battle Creek, Michigan   122 135  132 123  144 139  243   -2  2   1038    139 137
3 Grosse Pointe, Michigan  132 124  127 125  119 117  259    3 -5   1001    121 130
4 Traverse City, Michigan  116 108  123 120  124 124  208    2  1    926    120 156
5 Grand Rapids, Michigan   109 107  117 117  114  99  222  -21  4    868    160 132

6 Niles-Buchanan, Michigan 103  93  108 108  108 115  199   -3 -11   826    114 133
7 Flint, Michigan          114 105  105 102   91  79  194    2  -1   791    114 135
8 Windsor, Ontario         108 135   95  99   79  80  216    1   6   789    130 148
9 Milford, Michigan         77  73  100  99  101 110  206    0  -6   760    161 103
10 Cadillac, Michigan       92  84   98  98   98  97  173    1   3   744    115 154

Ineligible Chorus, Rule 5. (d)
   Big Ragids, Michigan     92  83   86  85   79  70  159    0   1 a 435   103 115

                      a, 220-point time penalty deducted

JUDGES:       Chairman ... MERLE A. CLAYTON, Battle Creek, Mich.       PIO
            Vice-Chairman .. EDWIN J. GAIKEMA, Grand Rapids, Mich.     PIO

         Harmony Accuracy ..... Dr. Robert C. Craner, Syracuse, N. Y.  S L
                              and M. Thomas Woodall, Charleston, Ill.  ILL

         Balance and Blend .......  C. Lyle Cornack, Birmingham, Ala.  DIX
                                and Maynard J. Margison, London, Ont.  ONT

         Interpretation .............. Gareth P. Evans, Toronto, Ont.  ONT
                               and R. Philip Winstan, Dan Mills, Ont.  ONT

         Stage Presence .........  Raphael S. Glynn, Westfield, B. J.  M-A
                                  and Edward L. Weber, Cincinnati, O.  J A

         Arrangement ..............  Russell A. Foris, Elmhurst, Ill.  ILL
                         and Burton E. Szabo, Altamonte Springs, Fla.  SUN

            Secretary ....... J. H. Conpton, Jr., Westfield, N. J.      M-A
            Ass't Sec'y ... Charles P. Nasser, Michicgan City, Ind.     CAR
            Timekeepers ..... Eueene C. Gillem, Frankennuth, Mich.      PIO
                              and Garth D. Keesler, Lansing, Ilich.     PIO

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