Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Battle Creek, Michigan, October 17, 1987
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Battle Creek, Michigan, October 17, 1987
  CHAIRMAN                Robert J. Margis;on       London, Ontario            Ontario
  SOUND                   James R. De Busman        Kenosha, Wisconsin         Land O' Lakes
                          Ronald P. Phillips        Mason City, Iowa           Central States
  INTERPRETRTION          Robert Squires            Lockport, Illinois         Illinois
                          Dan Waselchuk             appleton, Wisconsin        Land O' Lakes
  STAGE PRESENCE          James (Jimmy) Lyons       Theodore, Alabama          Dixie
                          Robert B. Mulligan        Garden City, Michigan      Pioneer
  ARRRNGEMENT             Dr. Denis Conrady         Denton, Texas              Southwestern
  SECRETARY               John T. Gillespie         Kalamazoo, Michigan        Pioneer
  ASST. SECRETARIES       John Bauer                Apena, Michigan            Pioneer
                          Charles P. Nasser         Michigan City, Indiana     Cardinal
  TIMEKEEPERS             D. William Fitzgerald     Kenosha, Wisconsin         Land O' Lakes
                          William C. Warner         Oak Park, Michigan         Pioneer
  PRRCTICE PANEL CHM      Kenneth W. Buckner        Kenosha, Wisconsin         Land O' Lakes

                              SND      INT       SP        ARR    TOTAL
                                              NSS 1   2           SCORE SECONDS  MEN
 1 Grand Rapids             154 155  164 165  41 126 132   6  8    951  171 157  80
   The Great Lakes Chorus
 2 Wayne                    156 156  162 157  38 133 130  10  6    948  125 142  63
   The Renaissance Chorus
 3 Detroit/Oakland          135 136  154 159  37 113 123   4 10    871  139 110  58
   Gentlemen Songsters
 4 Macormb County           132 131  143 152  39 105 101  10  4    817  126 208  37
   Harmony Heritage Chorus
 5 Grosse Pointe            136 140  139 137  32 105 106   8  8    811  123 112  52
   Lake Shore Chorus
 6 Flint                    128 125  140 131  33  96  88   8 10    759  110 167  28
   Arrowhead Chorus
 7 Lansing                  121 126  137 132  30  96 105   4  6    757  124 123  43
   Capitol City Chordsmen
 8 Saginaw-Bay              126 125  138 135  29  95  92  -4  6    742  143 135  28
   Timberland Chordsmen
 9 Traverse City            112 112  130 136  30  98  80   4  4    706  139 205  26
   Cherry Capital Chorus
10 Battle Creek             128 118  123 121  26  87  84   6  6    699  196 153  41
   Cereal City Chorus
11 Kalamazoo                129 125  127 119  23  85  83   4  2    697  113 179  30
   The Mall City Chorus
12 Milford                  110  97  123 118  24  83  78   6  6    645  124 139  21
   Mill Valley Chorus
13 Clinton Valley           108 105  109 106  23  86  85  10  4    636  107 115  21
   Heart of the Hills Chorus
14 Benton Harbor-St. Joseph 103 102  112 114  24  72  69   2  4    602  139 144  20
   Fruitbelt Chorus
15 Windsor                  101  94   96  89  30  84  78   4   4   580  113 137  28
   Sun Parlour Chorus
16 Monroe                    78  87   93  99  22  63  65  -6   4   505   110 134 23
   Stateline Chorus

Grand Rapids Great Lakes Chorus will represent Pioneer District at the
International contest in San Antonio in July, 1988.
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