Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 19, 1985
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PANEL OF JUDGES                                                            DISTRICT
Chairman...............Larry King, Farmington Hills, MI                    Pioneer
Sound..................Malcolm J. Agnew, McLean, VA                        Mid-Atlantic
                       Fred Mount, Madison, WI                             Land O' Lakes
Interpretation.........William I. Thornton, Dallas, TX                     Southwestern
                       Phil Winston, Metairie, LA                          Southwestern
Stage Presence.........Robert B. Mulligan, Birmingham, MI                  Pioneer
                       Dr. Lee Walker, Chattanooga, TN                     Dixie
Arrangement............Alan R. Baker, Cheektowaga, NY                      Seneca Land
                       Dr. Dennis M. Driscoll, College Station, TX         Southwestern
Secretary..............Edmund Duplaga, Cuyahoga Falls, OH                  Johnny Appleseed
Assistant Secretary....Herman Dykema, Kalamazoo, MI                        Pioneer
Timkeepers.............George Brooks, Kalamazoo, MI                        Pioneer
                       T. Murray Smith, Kalamazoo, MI                      Pioneer

                              SND      INT        SP         ARR    TOTAL    TIME   MEN
                                              NSS  1   2
 1. Grand Rapids            157 158  149 156   39 126 132   7   8    932   192 133   63
    Great Lakes Chorus
 2. Wayne                   152 154  157 156   38 123 138   6   3    927   166 109   49
    Renaissance Chorus
 3. Grosse Pointe           137 134  149 145   31 110 117   0   7    830   157 131   59
    Lakeshore Chorus
 4. Lansing                 126 128  124 117   26 97 106   -1   2    725   146 116   31
    Capitol City Chordsmen
 5. Huron Valley            118 118  127 118   31 105  96   5   5    723   112 149   25
    Huron Valley Chorus
 6. Battle Creek            114 117  114 121   20  95 l03   7   6    697   155 184   39
    Cereal City Chorus
 7. Sagina-Bay              117 119  119 124   30  91  93   0   1    694   107 143   24
    Timberland Chordsmen
 8. Monroe                  103 100  117 116   29 102  99   0   4    670   129 139   33
    Stateline Chorus
 9. Windsor                 108  99  104  97   28 113 101   4   3    657   150 125   31
    Sun Parlour Chorus
10. Traverse City           105 100  123 121   25  85  86  10 -11    644   202 151   34
    Cherry Capital Chorus
11. Benton Harbor-St. Joseph 99  97  100 109   98  71  84   8  -3    593   153 113   22
    Fruit Belt Chorus
12. Milford                 104 103   98 104   22  81  75   5  -1    591   135 116   22
    Mill Valley Chorus
13. Port Huron              110 103  104 103   16  73  80   2  -2    589   161 127   28
    Huron Harmony Chorus
14. Kalamazoo               108 100  101 106   14  77  75   2   2    585   130 129   24
    Mall City Chorus
15. Detroit #1               93  90   95  95   33  81  76   0   1    564   123 132   22
    Motor City Chorus
16. Swan Valley              95  93   98  99   24  70  76   1   1    557   121 132   24

Great Lakes Chorus will represent the Pioneer District at the International
Chorus Contest in July, 1986 at Salt Late City.
Renaissance Chorus is the alternate.
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