Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 20, 1979
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S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A, Inc.
Pioneer District Chorus Contest
Held at Kalamazoo, Michigan - Oct. 20, 1979

The Panel of Judges
Chairman...............Don Lang, St. Joseph, Mich. (PIO)
Sound..................Jim Beutel, Skokie, Ill, (ILL)
                       Jim Richards, St. Paul, Minn. (LOL)
Interpretation.........Bill Fletcher. Medford Lakes, N. J, (MAD)
                       Steve Plumb, Essex Junction, Vt. (NED)
Stage Presence.........Don Challman, St. Paul, Minn. (LOL)
                       Ray Glynn, Westfield, N. J. (MAD)
Arrangement............Jack Baird, Oaklawn, Ill., (ILL)
                       Bob Margison, London, Ont., Can. (ONT)
Secretary..............Larry King. Farnington Kills, Mich. (PIO)
Timers.................Don Burrill, Battle Creek, Mich. (PIO)
                       Bob Dixon, Battle Creek, Mich, (PIO)

Category:                     SND       INT     S P    ARR           SINGING
Song No.:                    1   2     1   2          1   2   TOTAL  SECONDS
1.  Wayne                   150 148   150 140   307   2   5   902    133 159
2.  Grand Rapids            158 153   l40 146   296   2  -7   888    139 167
3·  Grosse Pointe           159 153   128 138   279   6   3   866    143 130
4·  Detroit #1              142 142   133 132   279   1  -3   826    115 179
5·  Oakland County          130 134   135 141   259   4  -1   802    118 172
6.  Huron Valley            116 118   121 122   225   4  -1   689 a  111 127
7·  Monroe                  100 104   116 136   220   6   6   668    132 121
8.  Lansing                 123 132   118 114   186  -5  -7   661    180 156
9.  Flint                    86  81   110 101   220   3  -1   600    129 121
10.  Benton Harbor-
       St. Joseph            92  89   102 110   197   0   6   596    150 164
11.  Saginaw-Bay             87  91   103 112   199  -4   3   391    127 120
12.  Alpena                  94  95    98 102   196   4   0   589    134 160
13·  Kalamazoo               96  98   122 111   197   5   2   535 b  119 109

Ineligible Contestant (per Article 5(c) of Chorus Contest Rules)
1.  Clinton Valley           92  99   102 109   170   3   1   576    l40 131
2.  St. Joseph Valley        67  70    78  71    99 -17   1   313 c  120 113

a - Time penalty - 16 points (2 sec. @ 8 pts./Sec.)
b - Time penalty - 96 points (12 sec. @ 8 pts./Sec.)
c - Time penalty - 96 points (7 sec. @ 8 pts./Sec.)

The WAYNE CHAPTER will represent Pioneer District at the International Chorus
Contest in 1980.  The GRAND RAPIDS Chapter is the alternate.
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