Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 14, 1978
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Held at Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 14, 1978

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                           DISTRICT
Chairman or Judges..........Don Lang, St. Joseph, Michigan                    Pioneer
Sound.......................John Bauer, Kenosha, Wisconsin                    Land O'Lakes
                            Jim Richards, St. Paul, Minnesota                 Land O'Lakes
Interpretation..............Bob Craig, Schaumburg, Illinois                   Illinois
                            George Peters, Wheaton, Illinois                  Illinois
Stage Presence..............Bill Dorow, Franklin, Wisconsin                   Land O'Lakes
                            Bob Mulligan, Birmingham, Michigan                Pioneer
Arrasgement.................Jctck Baird, Oak Lawn, Illinois                   Illinois
                            Ed Waesche, Melville, New York                    Mid-Atlantic
Secretary...................Chuck Nasser, Michigan City, Indiana              Cardinal
Asst. Secretary.............Fran Jones, Greenville, Michigan                  Pioneer
Timer.......................Jack Schneider, Grand Rapids, Michigan            Pioneer
                            Jack Sider, Grand Rapids, Michigan                Pioneer

                                 DISTRICT CHORUS CONTEST

                                                    STAGE                          SINGING
Category:                    SOUND       INT.       PRES.      ARR.      TOTAL     SECONDS
Song Numbers:                1   2      1  2                  1   2                 1   2
Rank - Chorus
 1. Wayne                   155 156    131 146       310      2   2       902      127 102
 2. Detroit #1              142 142    137 132       307     -3   2       859      136 137
 3. Grosse Pointe           142 143    107 120       256      2  -1       769      134 112
 4. Oakland County          133 125    126  99       277      5   3       768      150 153
 5· Lansing                 132 134    112 102       242      3   1       726      133 133
 6. Traverse City           109 115    117 121       243      2   2       709      130 190
 7. Saginaw Bay             113 114    110 115       241      8   2       703      117 145
 8. Benton Harbor-
       St. Joseph           108 112    109 111       232      3  -1       674      106 140
 9. Monroe                  1l0 116    102 102       185      1   3       619      135 137
10. Battle Creek            106 100    102 104       l9l      3  -1       605      153  87
11. Kalamazoo               102  95    106 107       179      4   1       594      137 141
12. Flint                    96  95     98  97       165      4   2       557      115 135
13· Boyne City               86  80     84  82       160      1  -6       487      118 144
14. Livingston County        83  92     85  87       162     -1  -2       474      109 127 a
15. Windsor                  73  72     75  80       162     -3   1       460      125 125

     (a) Time Penalty 32 Points (4 seconds @ 8 points per second)

     Wayne Chorus will represent Pioneer District at Minneapolis at the International
     Chorus Contest.

     Detroit #1 is the alternate chorus.

Ineligible Chorus - - Disqualified per Article 5d.
    Jackson                  97  96     90 103       173      1 -1      565        125 127
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