Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Dearborn, Michigan, October 9, 1976
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PANEL OF JUDGES                                                            DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges   Joseph Cutsinger - Louisville, Ky.                    Cardinal
Sound                James Richards - St. Paul, Minn.                  Land O'Lakes
                     robert Moorehead - Milford, Ohio              Johnny Appleseed
Interpretation       Robert Craig - Schaumburg, Ill.                       Illinois
                     Melvin Harris - Charlotte, N.C.                          Dixie
Stage Presence       John Sommer - Grove City, Ohio                Johnny Appleseed
                     Denis St. Denis - Mt. Prospect, Ill.                  Illinois
Arrangement          Warren Haeger - LaGrange Park, Ill.                   Illinois
                     P. Nick Lawrence - Austin, Texas                  Southwestern
Secretsry            Larance G. King, Livonia, Michigan                     Pioneer
Asst. Secty.         Jack Wentworth - Reynoldsburg, Ohio               J. Appleseed
Trimers              James Fegan - Traverse City, Mich.                     Pioneer
                     Pat Yacques - Algonac, Mich                            Pioneer
Practice Panel Chr.  Donald Lang - St. Joseph, Mich.                        Pioneer

Category:               SND       INT        SP        ARR                 SECONDS
Song Numbers:          1    2     1    2              1    2      TOTAL     1   2
Rank - Chorus
1. Detroit #1         162  159   152  146   322      +13  +7       961     134 172
2. Wayne              138  140   137  153   283       +4  +5       860     173 141
3. Grand Rapids       136  137   138  142   279       +7  +4       843     145 134
4. Monroe             119  123   125  128   252       +1  +2       750     187 135
5. Oakland County     121  121   111  110   267       +5  +6       741     167 167
6. Grosse Pointe      116  111   116  110   205       -1  +4       661     115 126
7. Battle Creek       102  101   118   97   229       +7  +3       657     152 150
8. Lansing             88   83    94   98   177       +1  +4       545     133 126
9. Kalamazoo           87   82   115   92   142       +4   0       522     125 149
10.Holland             84   84    83   87   136       +2  +3       479     138 157

Detroit #1 will represent the Pioneer District in the 1977 International Chorus Contest. 
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