Pioneer District HeaderInternational Preliminary
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 11, 1975
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Held at Grand Rapids,Michigan - October 11, 1975

The Panel of Judges                                                 District
Chairman of Judges........Merle Clayton - Battle Creek, Michigan    Pioneer
Vice Chairman of Judges...Edwin Gaikema - Grand Rapids,Michigan     Pioneer
Secretary of Judges.......Edmund Duplaga - Cuyahoga Palls, Ohio     Johnny Appleseed
Sound.....................James Beutel - St. Charles, Illinois      Illinois
     .....................Don Lang - St. Joseph, Michigan           Pioneer
Interpretation............Steve Hanrahan - Huntington,W.Virginia    Johnny Appleseed
              ............Dan Waselchuk - Green Bay, Wisconsin      Land O' Lakss
Stage Presence............O.B. Falls, Jr. - Jackson, Michigan       Pioneer
              ............John Sommer - Grove City, Ohio            Johnny Appleseed
Arrangement...............Jack Baird - Oak Lawn, Illinois           Illinois
           ...............Russell Foris - Elmhurst, Illinois        Illinois
Asst. Secretary of Judges.John T.Gillespie - Kalamazoo, Michigan    Pioneer
Timers....................Emerson Sperling - Grand Rapids, Michigan Pioneer
      ....................Lamott Bates - Lansing, Michigan          Pioneer
                          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Category:                 SOUND      INT     SP    ARR    TOTAL   SECONDS
Song Number:              1   2     1   2         1   2            1   2
 1 Motor City Chorus     138 136   145 156   311 +4  +3    893    165 135
 2 Wolverine Chorus      136 136   138 136   295 +4  +1    846    125 124
   Oakland County
 3 Great lakes Chorus    117 125   119 118   258 +7  -3    741    130 127
   Grand Rapids
 4 Cereal City Chorus    107 105   123 126   258 +3  +4    726    159 155
   Battle Creek
 5 Cherry Capitol Chorus 114 120   111 123   240 +4  -3    709    133 143
   Traverse City
 6 Lake Shore Chorus     116 105   119 117   220  0  -4    675    115 152
   Grosse. Point
 7 Mall City Chorus       90  94    90  98   170 -2   0    540    131 125
 8 Gateway Chorus         96  96    90  88   155 +1  +4    530    135 125
   Niles - Buchanan
 9 Huron Harmony Chorus   92  90    93  90   142 +1   0    508    183 123
   Port Huron
10 Fruit Belt Chorus      92  93    96 107   121 -8  +3    504    154 128
   Benton Harbor St. Joe
11 Jacksonaires           85  87    81  84   135  0  +4    476    103 144
12 Huron Valley Chorus    78  76    81  82   149 +1  -3    464    161 143

First place chorus will represent Pioneer District at International Contest in
San Francisco, Summer 1976.