International Preliminary Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc., Flint, Michigan, October 14, 1972 |
OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY, SPEBSQSA, Inc. PIO Dist. Intl. Prelim. Chorus Contest, Flint, Mich. 10/14/72 Category HA B&B INT SP ARR Song No. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 TOTAL Rank Contestant 1. Detroit 145 147 149 144 146 147 236 8 6 1228 2. Lansing 143 146 140 140 144 142 263 4 0 1122 3. Wayne 132 135 124 123 141 148 308 6 4 1121 4. Grosse Pt. 119 125 121 123 117 116 304 -14 -4 1007 5. Battle Creek 117 121 110 116 111 107 235 0 2 919 6. Traverse Cty 103 110 102 106 105 118 250 4 -2 896 7. Pontiac 103 96 105 100 108 108 225 -12 -4 817 * 8. Saginaw-Bay 110 99 113 113 90 91 246 -4 -4 814 ** 9. Grand Rpds. 113 112 104 101 91 105 190 -8 -4 804 10.Flint 93 98 95 88 92 89 189 -6 -8 730 11.Windsor 95 81 88 87 88 87 197 4 -10 717 12.Muskegon 101 94 83 83 89 89 189 -4 -10 714 * 1 sec. time penalty @ 10 points/sec. ** 4 sec. time penalty @ 10 points/sec. Ineligible contestant - Milford - less than 20 men competing Panel of Judges Chairman Merle Clayton, Battle Creek, Mich. (PIO) Harmony Accuracy Don Clause, E. Hampton, N.Y. (MAD) John Reid, Windsor, Ont. (ONT) Balance & Blend Jim Beutel, West Towns, Ill. (ILL) Maynard Margison, London, Ont. (ONT) Interpretation Phil Winston, Don Mills, Ont. (ONT) George Gross, Reading, Pa. (MAD) Stage Presence Bob Mulligan, Detroit, Mich. (PIO) Joe Cutsinger, Louisville, Ky. (CARD) Arrangement Bob Margison, London, Ont. (0NT) Greg Lyne, Kansas City, Kan. (CSD) Secretary Sev Severance, West Towns, Ill. (ILL) Asst. Secty. Ed Geikema, Grand Rapids, Mich. (PIO) Timer John Gillespie, Kalamazoo, Mich. (PIO) Herb Benjamin, Saginaw-Bay, Mich. (PIO)Return to Pioneer District Contest Summaries Page