Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 9, 1971
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S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Pioneer District Chorus Contest
Held At Grand Rapids, Michigan - October 9, 1971

The Panel of Judges

Chairman................Merle Clayton, Battle Creek, Mi.               Battle Creek (PlO)
Harmony Accuracy........Fred Owens, Des Moines, Iowa                     Des Moines (CSD)
                ........Willis Wood, Okemus, Mi.                            Lansing (PlO)
Balance & Blend.........LaVerne Moore, West Allis, Wis.             Menomonee Falls (LOL)
               .........Rush Wyman, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio                    BucyRus (JAD)
Interpretation..........Ken Warner, Newark, Ohio                             Newark (JAD)
              ..........Ken Williams, Madison, New Jersey                Livingston (MAD)
Stage Presence..........O.B. Falls, Jr., Jackson, Mi.                       Jackson (PlO)
              ..........Clifford MacLean, Cedarville, Mi.              Les Cheneaux (PlO)
Arrangement.............Warren “Buzz” Haeger, LaGrange Park, Ill.        Q Suburban (ILL)
           .............Greg Lyne, Kansas City, Kansas                   St. Joseph (CSD)
Secretary...............Darrell Dewitt, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.          Wis. Rapids (LOL)
Ass’t Secretary.........Ed Gaikema, Grand Rapids, Mi.                  Grand Rapids (PlO)
Timers..................Bill Wild, Sr., Grand Rapids, Mi.              Grand Rapids (PlO)
      ..................Bill Wild, Jr., Grand Rapids, Mi.              Grand Rapids (PlO)
Practice Panel Ch’n.....Ed Gaikema, Grand Rapids, Mi.                  Grand Rapids (PlO)

                                                                Pen-           Singing
Category:               H A      B&B      INT    S P     ARR	alty   TOTAL   Seconds
SongNo.:               1   2    1   2    1   2          1   2
Rank Contestant
 1. Wolverine-Oakland l49 142  148 147  135 140  315   10   7          1193    90 185
 2. Motor City        141 142  145 149  122 139  322    7   4          1171   160 118
     Detroit #1
 3. Wayne Wonderland  125 134  144 142  131 136  297    3  10          1122   151  95
 4. Cereal City       126 111  124 126  105 100  272    3   6           973   126 130
     Battle Creek
 5. Merry Motormen    119 121  116 121  107  99  270   -9   3           947   127 201
 6. Kalamazoo Mall    114 100  117 117   93  97  286   -3  -3           926   134 153
 7. Great Lakes       109 110  116 121   98 103  235   -l   3           894   145 140
     Grand Rapids
 8. Lakeshore         1l0 111  112 107   98  95  267   -2  -8           890   128 162
     Grosse Pointe
 9. Capitalaires      108 113  112 112   96  99  215   -4  -3           848   130 149
10. Traverse City     101  96  103 107   88  84  248    3  -2           828   143 152
11. Gateway-Niles-Bu. l0l  95  101 107   99 110  199   -2   1           811   134 137
12. Floral City       103  99  100  99   91  98  208  -13   1           786   121 128
13. Timberland Ch’d’n  93 102  107 113   96  98  235   -2  -4   -60     778   127 107
     Saginaw Bay
14. Flint              93  97   96  93   84  87  200   -7  -8           735   160  90
15. Jackson            88  85   94  94   88  86  193   -4  -7           717   133 141

Disqualified- Article 14 (b) 4 bcd - Chorus Contest Rules.
    Port City         104 103  108 111   86  83  226   -7  -l           813   138 128
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